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Bannière Centre d’excellence en neuromiquebande grise


Management Team



Coordinator – Retrait and Recruitment
Carine Daurat, MSc

Carine Daurat joined Dr. Rouleau’s group in 2005 with a Masters degree in Management from Jean-Moulin University in Lyon, France. She was given the responsibility of organising two major CENUM events: the annual retreat and the recruiting of researchers. Carine is now Assistant Director, University Affairs and Development, at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, where she manages a number of key projects including recruiting, strategic planning, and the development of areas of research. She also oversees the coordination of the Network of Applied Genetic Medicine at the FRSQ. She is in charge of scientific activities fundamental to CENUM, including organizing the retreat, coordinating recruiting and initiative grant requests related to CENUM (FCI New Initiative Funds).



CHU Ste-Justine Research Centre
175, Cote-Ste-Catherine Road
Room A936
Montreal (Quebec), H3T 1C5

Phone : 514-345-4740
Fax : 514-345-4698
Mail :carine.daurat@crchum.qc.ca