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Bannière Centre d’excellence en neuromiquebande grise




Some of the diseases studied by the researchers of the Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Université de Montréal (CENUM) are very common while others are extremely rare. In all cases, however, they are the cause of immense suffering for the patients as well as their families. Even if the past decades brought major progress in the understanding of diseases studied at the CENUM, there is still a lot of work to be done before we can form a complete image of the problems represented by the diseases affecting the brain and the nervous system, and even more research will be necessary before treatments are developed. Only collaboration between multiple granting agencies, universities, public and private foundations and the support of donors will allow us to reach our objective of developing treatments for diseases of the brain and nervous system. Foundations, companies, and individuals who wish to make a financial contribution to neuromic research can do so in several ways. Donations can be made to a researcher for research on a specific disease within the CENUM, to a group of diseases, or to CENUM research in general. For more information on donations to the CENUM, please contact Mr. Claude Marineau at claude.marineau@crchum.qc.ca or by phone at 514-890-8000 ext. 24621.