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Bannière Centre d’excellence en neuromiquebande grise


Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Université de Montréal




Welcome to the website of the Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Université de Montréal (CENUM). The English version of our website is presently under construction but, in the mean time, we will be happy to answer your questions.


Write us at info.cenum@crchum.qc.ca.









November 17, 2008 -
A new team will study data derived from next generation sequencing >>>


September 29, 2008 -
Child Health Genomics selected as Strategic Research Theme by Genome Canada. >>>


March 31, 2008 -
A team of Canadian and French researchers has identified a new gene responsible for ALS. >>>


January 28, 2008 -
Appointment of Dr. Ronald G. Lafrenière as Executive Director of CENUM. >>>


News - >>>