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Bannière Centre d’excellence en neuromiquebande grise


Studies and Internships



Image Études et stagesThe laboratories of the researchers of the Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Université de Montréal (CENUM) are not only dedicated to research activities but also to the training of physicians, researchers, and laboratory personnel. As such, the CENUM laboratories welcome undergraduate students, graduate students (Masters and Ph.D. degrees), postdoctoral fellows, and physicians doing specialty training. There are presently more than one hundred individuals completing their academic training under the supervision of CENUM members.



Most undergraduate science programs include a laboratory internship. Students registered in these programs and interested in completing an internship with members of the CENUM can do so by contacting researchers directly to express their interest. To obtain academic recognition for the internship, it must be approved by the researchers as well as by the person responsible for the academic program. Students interested in learning more about research can do so by working in a laboratory over the summer. Candidates interested in summer jobs can send their curriculum vitae to researchers at the following address: cv.cenum@cechum.qc.ca. The Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) are two of several institutions that offer research internship grants. Foreign students who want to do an internship at the CENUM must obtain approval from a CENUM researcher and from their university as well as a Canadian student visa. For more information please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.


Graduate Studies

The CENUM offers a large range of research topics and each of the Centre’s researchers is affiliated with one or more academic departments and programs that allow them to supervise graduate students.  Students interested in pursuing their Masters’s or PhD degree in one of the CENUM labs can express their interest by contacting one of the CENUM researchers. The student and the researcher must agree on a research project and on an academic program before the student applies for admission to Université de Montréal. Students interested in graduate studies at the CENUM can visit the Université de Montréal website for a description of the programs and the conditions for admission. Numerous organizations such as the FRSQ, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CHHR), and the NSERC offer training awards.  A complete list of the available awards can be found on the Université de Montréal website. In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, foreign students planning to study at the CENUM must obtain a study permit allowing them to stay in Canada.  For more information, students outside Canada can visit the websites of the Université de Montréal and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.



Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral training is intended for students who, after having completed their Ph.D., wish to acquire expertise in a domain that is complementary to their training. During the postdoctoral training, students will work in one of the CENUM laboratories and dedicate 100% of their time to research activities. Those interested in postdoctoral training can contact one of the CENUM researchers and mutually decide on a project. For more information on the postdoctoral studies, please visit the website of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of the Université de Montréal. The FRSQ, CIHR and NSERC offer postdoctoral fellowship awards. Please visit the financial aid website of the Université de Montréal for a complete list of organizations offering postdoctoral fellowships. Foreign students who want to complete a postdoctoral fellowship must obtain a study permit allowing them to stay in Canada. For more information, please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.


Medical Training

Medical students who would like to complete their training and physicians looking for postdoctoral training in one of the CENUM laboratories can contact the researchers and decide with them on the nature and the length of the training period. The FRSQ and the CIHR offer research training awards for physicians. For more information about medical training, postdoctoral studies and research programs, please visit the website of the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal.