Logo UDM
Bannière Centre d’excellence en neuromiquebande grise


Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of Université de Montréal



The main objective of the website of the Centre of Excellence in Neuromics of the Université de Montréal is to promote the Centre’s activities. Any comments or suggestions regarding the site can be addressed to: info.cenum@crchum.qc.ca.



Website Team

Denis Babin
Integration support and updates
E-mail: denis.babin@umontreal.ca

Daniel Bélanger
Web Technologies Consultant
Design, analysis-development and integration



Ron Lafrenière, the CHUM Research Centre
Claude Marineau, the CHUM Research Centre



Photo credits
The majority of photographs used on the site come from laboratories of CENUM members.
A special thanks to those who provided the photographs used for our banner:

  Source : Claude Marineau
Labo Rouleau
Source : Claude Marineau
Labo Rouleau
Source : Janet Laganière
Labo Rouleau
Source : Luc Lauzière

We sincerely thank all the researchers at the Centre who gave their time, energy, and information for the development of this site.